Afghans By Jackie
Check out Afghans by Jackie. A collection of crocheted throws for you, baby, loved ones and the dishes too! You can check out the whole collection in the Textiles department Visit often to see new designes Allegheny Textiles

Hydrangea Root, the Anti-inflammatory, kidney and prostate Healer
Hydrangea macrophylla, and Hydrangea paniculata are native to north America and Asia and are mainly used as an ornamental plant that hosts a full bloom of color from late spring to early fall, typically blue and purple. Generally they are considered a shrub ranging from 3 ft to 9 ft however some are trees and lianas…

Exodus Effect aka Arukah Oil
Arukah Oil Arukah – ar-oo-kaw Healing, Restoration Oils were used Old and New Testament as a way of anointing, cleansing, sustaining and healing. Arukah Oil is not an anointing oil as it is very clear in Scripture that there are specific measurements and ingredients to make Anointing oil and absolute direction from Yahweh/GOD. Arukah Oil…

Allegheny Woodworks
Introducing the Allegheny Woodworks Visit Department Allegheny Woodworks

Allegheny Textiles
Introducing the Allegheny Textiles department See all textile related items Allegheny Textiles

Allegheny Naturals
Welcome to our New Department the Allegheny Naturals. Offering a selection of natural healing aids derived straight from the earth.
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